L5R in Deutschland Tue, 03 Oct 2017 19:13:02 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 The First Tobi gewinnt Kotei Erlangen 2016 /the-first-tobi-gewinnt-kotei-erlangen-2016/ /the-first-tobi-gewinnt-kotei-erlangen-2016/#comments Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:01:02 +0000 /?p=441 Weiterlesen ]]> Nach einem langen Grinder am Freitag gelang es ihm gerade noch, sich für das prestigereichste Event der nördlichen Hemisphäre am Samstag zu qualifizieren. Trotz mäßiger Leistung am ersten Turniertag konnte er sich mit Glück noch ins Finale retten. Aber als The First Tobi einmal Blut geleckt hatte, musste er es wieder und wieder schlabbern. Als Folge hat er den Zweitplatzierten “nass” gemacht. So war es The First Tobi möglich, den Sieg beim Kotei Erlangen zu erlangen!

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Es ist vollbracht! Das Kotei Erlangen hat einen Sieger /es-ist-vollbracht-das-kotei-erlangen-hat-einen-sieger/ /es-ist-vollbracht-das-kotei-erlangen-hat-einen-sieger/#comments Tue, 30 Jun 2015 20:41:08 +0000 /?p=436 Weiterlesen ]]> Nach einem Wochenende voller Spaß, leckerem Essen, dem ein oder anderen Vitaminsaft und ein bisschen Pappkartenumdrehen wurde ein Gewinner gekürt. Isawa Tokiyoshi hat für die Phönixe einen ehrenvollen Sieg erstritten.

Abschließend bedanke ich mich bei dem GCS, die das erste mal diesen Kotei ausrichteten. Ihnen ist es gelungen, ein “Premium” Kotei zu veranstalten, wo sie viel Liebe zum Detail dargeboten haben. Ich hoffe, damit ist eine neue Tradition ins Leben gerufen worden. Weiterhin möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal bei Andi und Markus bedanken, die in den letzten 15 Jahren das Kotei nach Deutschland (Nürnberg) geholt haben.

Es war ein Riesenspaß! Ich freue mich auf nächstes Jahr!

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Kotei, Baby! /kotei-baby/ /kotei-baby/#comments Thu, 25 Jun 2015 19:03:04 +0000 /?p=432 Weiterlesen ]]> Es ist (wieder) soweit! Das deutsche Kotei öffnet diesmal in Erlangen die Tore für die Gäste aus ganz Deutschland und darüber hinaus.

Hier eine Kurzübersicht über den Ablauf:

– Freitag Abend Community-Treffen im Biergarten
– Samstag ab 9:30 Uhr Swiss – anschließend Booster Draft “Barley and Hope” Edition
– Sonntag Tops und “Deck Swap” Side-Event

Ich wünsche allen Teilnehmern eine gute Anreise und viel Spaß! Man sieht sich in Erlangen!

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Kotei Erlangen 2015 /kotei-erlangen-2015/ /kotei-erlangen-2015/#comments Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:06:36 +0000 /?p=407 Weiterlesen ]]> Grüße Reisender. Willkommen auf der Homepage des deutschen Koteis 2015!

Nach über einem Jahrzehnt voller epischer Pappkärtchenschlachten in Nürnberg haben sich Andreas Böhm und Markus Steinbart dafür entschieden sich aus der Organisation der deutschen Koteis zurück zu ziehen. Beide können auf eine lange Serie von wahrhaft großartigen Events zurück blicken. Die gesamte deutsche L5R Community wird euch eure harte Arbeit niemals vergessen. Für uns ist es eine große Ehre die Nachfolge der beiden antreten zu dürfen. Wir fühlen uns dazu verpflichtet dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden und euch das bestmögliche Kotei zu liefern.

Was wird sich also ändern? Am auffälligsten wird wohl die Verlegung des Turniers vom Prisma in Nürnberg ins Quality Hotel Erlangen sein. Das Quality Hotel ist schon seit Jahren der Treffpunkt aller Kotei Teilnehmer. Durch die Doppelbelegung als Schlafstätte und Austragungsort gewinnen wir nicht nur ein erhebliches Mas an Bequemlichkeit, sondern auch eine Vielzahl an neuen Möglichkeiten. Zum einen können wir nun ein Samstagabend Event anbieten, zum anderen ist es nun möglich die verkaterten Langschläfer am Sonntag direkt aus dem Bett zu ihrem Viertelfinal Spielen zu prügeln.

Diese Seite bietet alle nötigen und unnötigen Informationen über das diesjährige deutsche Kotei. Nutzt einfach die Navigation in der obigen Leiste. Es wäre uns eine große Freude möglichst viele von euch in Erlangen auf dem Schlachtfeld begrüßen zu dürfen,


der GCS

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Road to Erlangen Anfänger Turnier /road-to-erlangen-anfaenger-turnier/ /road-to-erlangen-anfaenger-turnier/#comments Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:58:44 +0000 /?p=346 Weiterlesen ]]> Die Broken Brothers

Wie bereits angekündigt in dem Comic:

Die Broken Brothers

Wird mitte Juni ein Anfänger Turnier stattfinden. Der Witz dabei: Der Sieger dieses starter deck only Turniers bekommt zwei Übernachtungen für zwei mit Frühstück, ein Turnierhartes Deck nach seinen Vorstellungen und die kostenlose Teilnahme am Kotei Erlangen als Preis! Alle die noch nie bei einem L5R Turnier waren, denen es aber in den Fingern juckt das mal zu probieren, sind herzlich eingeladen.

Was: Anfänger L5R Turnier. Spieler dieschonmal ein L5R Turnier gespielt haben schmeißen wir raus (wir kennen euch, versuchts nichteinmal!). Ivory oder 20 Festival legale Starter Decks ohen Modifikationen sind die einzig erlaubten Decks (alle Karten in den Startern sind für dieses Turnier legal und ohne Errata!).

Wo: Game it Spielwaren Marburg

Wann: Ende Mai/mitte Juni. Genaues Datum kommt bald.

Kosten: Garnichts. Ihr müsst nur da sein und ein Starter in der Hand halten.

ACHTUNG: Wir können einen Starter pro Clan an die ersten die sich melden verleihen. Für die schnellen unter euch heist das: Ihr braucht nur da zu sein.

Anmeldungen bitte im Voraus an: [email protected]. Bitte teilt mir euren Namen mit und sagt ob ihr ein Starter leihen wollt.

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From the Sensei: Lion Strategy for The New Order /from-the-sensei-lion-strategy-for-the-new-order/ /from-the-sensei-lion-strategy-for-the-new-order/#comments Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:52:40 +0000 /?p=246 Weiterlesen ]]> by Bryan Reese

While you likely know me now as the Lead Designer for the L5R CCG, I was once an accomplished player in my own right, and when I see The New Order, a few things immediately start standing out to me for Lion.

When looking at the set alphabetically on , the very first card is A Desperate Struggle, which immediately makes me think of Lion. With A Desperate Struggle, Lion now has access to nine cards which send a defender home, and with A Desperate Struggle, it cannot even be stopped with cards like Ring of Earth. I think there is a fast tempo-based deck here for the Lion to exploit, so that is where I am going to go with this article. I think this may work best in Strict, so I am going to build this deck for Strict. Let’s start with the decklist.

# Pre-Game (2)

# Stronghold (1)
1 The Honorable Garrison of the Lion

# Sensei (1)
1 Satoru Sensei

# Dynasty (40)

# Event (6)
3 Glimpse of the Unicorn
3 The Blessing

# Holding (15)
3 Copper Mine
3 Lane of Immorality
3 Rich Vein
3 The Toil of Zokujin
3 Voice of Experience

# Personality (19)
3 Akodo Kenaro
3 Ikoma Akinari
3 Ikoma Shika
1 Ikoma Yoshimoko
3 Kitsu Suzaki
3 Matsu Rishou
3 Matsu Tayuko

# Fate (40)

# Follower (6)
3 Medium Infantry
3 Zlkyt’s Family

# Item (6)
3 Kaiu Axe
3 Reinforced Parangu

# Strategy (28)
3 A Desperate Struggle
3 Destiny Has No Secrets
2 Drawing First Blood
3 Incapacitated
3 Inspired Devotion
2 Okura Is Released
3 Serenity
3 Sneak Attack
3 Soul’s Sacrifice
3 Springing the Ambush

With a blitz deck, we are going to be going for tempo and the most efficient resources possible. Now, one resource we will have a bit more of than other players are Dynasty flips, as we will only be purchasing a couple guys each turn for most of the game. So immediately you see in the Events section the deck plays a lot of Events. The Blessing gives you free gold, Glimpse of the Unicorn gives you free cards. Both of these you are going to need as much as you can get your hands on and six Events should be about the right number where you can most efficiently use your Dynasty flips, but not clog your draws with too many one a single turn. Fiddle around with this a bit, you may find the right number to be five or seven, though I think four will be too few.

Moving on to the Holdings, you will see we again are going for efficiency. Voice of Experience and Rich Vein are 3for3s, so they are solid turn one purchases, though a combination of Copper Mine plus Toil of Zokujin and/or Lane of Immorality is better. Your 3for3s give you the gold you want and have extra abilities that are great for you. Voice of Experience will boost Kenaro’s Tactician, giving you extra force for free. It is also Kharmic, which may be relevant late game. Rich Vein lets you dig for an extra Mine. Now, this may get you an extra purchase on that turn, which would be fantastic. More likely though, it will dig for a Mine that you can then discard, improving your following turn. Again, efficiency is key here in every corner. Looking at the rest of the Holdings, Copper Mine is a no-brainer that should require no explanation. Toil of Zokujin is in here for a couple of reasons. First it is efficient (noticing a pattern yet? :) ), producing two gold for Mines and your Weapons, which effectively takes the cost of your Copper Mines and two force Weapons to one gold. Second, it is a mine, increasing the number of targets for Rich Vein to eight (nines Mines minus the one currently resolving). The last Holding which may give you some pause is Lane of Immorality. You wouldn’t think this is a good addition for Lion, but it works well in this deck because you are free to use your honor as a resource. Your goal is not to have the highest Family Honor, you just want to have enough Family Honor to meet your Honor Requirements, which should not be an issue thanks to your frequent Proclaims of 3 Honor. Buying a second Lane of Immorality could cause so problems though, so you may want to be careful on that front.

Looking at the Personalities, we have a rather standard line-up. As you would expect, we went with the cheapest, most efficient force possible, making sure to keep a good number of Personalities with three Personal Honor and with Scout, as both of those will be important to the Fate deck. A couple Personalities that may stand out are Ikoma Akinari and Kitsu Suzaki. Akinari is a finisher. You will discard him early unless desperate, and then in a key battle, bring him in, preferably through Satoru Sensei, to get all three copies out of one Province. Remember that we need to maximize every resource we can, and three bodies from one Province is huge. The second addition that may give you pause is Kitsu Suzaki, but if you look at her, she is fantastic. Three gold for a 2F/2C/3PH Samurai is ok, gaining one honor in the process helps, but the real kicker is she is an Open action, meaning you get to attack with that body a turn early. That is simply fantastic, and she should be a key Personality for this deck and keeping up the amount of pressure that will be required.

Moving on to the Fate deck, we have 12 attachments; nine of them have two force and three of them have three force, and all are picked for their efficiency. Medium Infantry are simply the best bang you will get for your three gold. Zlykt’s Family have a fantastic fear that can neutralize and entire unit, especially when combined with Okura is Released. Kaiu Axe and Reinforced Parangu are two gold Weapons, so they can be purchased with The Toil of Zokujin, effectively making them one gold with handy abilities.

For Strategies, we are focused on two things and two things only: gaining force and removing presence. We do not wish to bow or force reduce to win a battle at resolution, we want to remove their presence and take their Province, and everything is set up to do this, which brings us back around to where we began, with A Desperate Struggle. Combined with Incapacitated and Soul’s Sacrifice, we have nine cards which send a defender home. Two copies of Drawing First Blood can help send home more defenders, though these will likely need to be combined with Akodo Kenaro and/or Destiny Has No Secrets. You can always fall back on these having four Focus Value for Tactician. Three copies of Serenity should also help remove units, as well as the Okura Is Released. These two combine with Springing the Ambush to hit bigger targets. It should be noted that Springing the Ambush works because of the Scout kicker, effectively giving +2 strength to the Ranged Attack and Fear. Add in Sneak Attacks for tempo and Inspired Leadership and Destiny Has No Secrets for force and you get a Lion deck that hits fast and hits hard. Always keep the pressure up and do not let your opponent stabilize, because if they do, they will probably win.

Our goal for playing this deck should be, in my opinion, to buy gold on turn one, buy a guy plus more gold on turn two which will continue developing your economy, attack on turn three for a single Province, and then attack all out after that, hopefully getting the last three Provinces by your turn five. You will want and need to be quick, because this deck does not have a long term game plan.

So that does it for the deck. Should be fast and a lot of fun, knocking your opponent to the ground before they ever get a chance to get stable. If you want to tweak the deck some, here are some other options in The New Order that could also work well in the deck.

Other cards from The New Order to consider

  • Contemplative Shrine – Now this may seem like an odd call, but you are all about speed and efficiency with this deck. If you can play a 3for3 Holding that you can discard a card to straighten, you do, plain and simple. In a blitz deck you would usually rather discard a card for a three gold Follower than pay for it. With Contemplative Shrine though, you specifically have to discard a Kiho or Spell, which are not good cards for you, but still worth considering due to the power of this effect. High Focus Value Kihos and Spells can always be used for Tactician or any other keywords they might have, such as Kharmic and Courage.

  • Ongoing Division – While this card does not have any abilities, it does replace itself when you discard it during battle, such as to Tactician. In my opinion, three Akodo Kenaro is not enough to play this card on its own, but it is close. If you find a couple more ways to efficiently discard cards during battle, then you should do so.

  • Scouting Amid the Snow – While ultimately this deck wound up with no Terrains in it, Terrains could be a solid addition, and if you are playing Terrains and Scouts, you should probably be playing Scouting Amid the Snow. It allows you to toolbox Terrains and get important Terrains when you need them. I could easily see making room for three Scouting Amid the Snow, three Contentious Terrains, one Unexpected Attack, and one of another Terrain.

  • Unexpected Attack – Simply a fantastic Terrain, and a great one of if you are playing Scouting Amid the Snow. There are a host of Terrains out there that you will want an answer to and this answers those Terrains while drawing you a card.

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The New Order – Lion Clan Letter /the-new-order-clan-letter/ /the-new-order-clan-letter/#comments Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:56:06 +0000 /?p=237 Weiterlesen ]]>
Samurai of Rokugan,

The forces of chaos are assaulting our beloved Empire. Cloaked in the disguise of progress, they hope to destroy our most honored traditions. They will fail, however. The Right Hand of the Empress will not allow these dissenters to threaten our way of life. We will seek them out in Rokugan and in the Colonies. It is my hope that they can be shown the error of their ways, but if not, then we will take whatever steps are necessary.

Even now, the enemies of the Empire seek to question the birthright of Iweko Seiken. Even as dynasties rise and fall, the Celestial Heavens mandate that the throne must pass to the eldest as rightful heir. As lesser clans spread lies and half-truths about his fitness to lead, the Lion serve Seiken-sama without question. Where his enemies would seek to undermine his legitimacy, we will be there to show them the error of their ways.

The Lion do not stand alone, however. The Phoenix, ever among the most honorable among us, have struck a blow against the stain of moral relativism that the Colonies have spread even throughout Rokugan. Their discovery that gaijin blood is weak to moral corruption explains a number of the attacks the Empire has endured, and we will see that it does not threaten us further.

Let those who would oppose the legitimate heir come forth and be judged. Let them stand on the field of battle and lay their claim before the Right Hand of the Empress. We will meet them, and our righteous cause will guide our swords as we cleanse the Empire of its weakness. This I promise.

Akodo Dairuko
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ALitS Preview /alits-preview/ /alits-preview/#comments Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:00:12 +0000 /?p=232 Weiterlesen ]]> Actually it’s no Line in the Sand we preview here, but an Arrow in the Back, Makoto’s back to be precise…

ALitS Final-130

Absent movement actions are scarce, combined with a secondary use (Courage) this might become an alternative to more restrictive movement actions.

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TCS Preview /tcs-preview/ /tcs-preview/#comments Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:23:50 +0000 /?p=227 It’s follower time again on

This one gets beefier if he moves and can be bought for cheap or intermediate cost:

The Coming Storm Final-83

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Save the (Kotei) Dates! /save-the-kotei-dates/ /save-the-kotei-dates/#comments Tue, 17 Dec 2013 08:44:50 +0000 /?p=216 Weiterlesen ]]> List of Koteis “near” Germany in 2014 (MM/DD/YYYY):


Reykjavik, Iceland – Gunnar Traustason


Madrid, Spain – Dimas Miura

Brussels, Belgium – Bernardo da Costa Cabral (Note: This is a two day event: 3/29/14 – 3/30/2014)


Dublin, Ireland – Eoin Burke

Szczecin, Poland – Przemek Wawer

Athens, Greece – Manolis Trachiotis (Note: This event is on Sunday, 4/13/2014)


Moscow, Russia – Evgeny Tarakanov


Tournefeuille, France – Benoit Sigal


Barcelona, Spain – Albert Mialet Gimenez

Staffanstorp, Sweden – Robert Almgren


Aldershot, United Kingdom – Alex Cullum

Dunkerque, France – Pierre Verbanck


Budapest, Hungary – Gabor  Leder


Milasata, Spain – Laura Almagro


Szczyrk, Poland – Monika Zebrowska


Sheffield, United Kingdom – Jim Freeman

Billancourt, France – Nicolas Pilven

Bavaria (Nuremberg), Germany – Andreas Boehm

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